Package 'orderly.rstudio'

Title: RStudio addins for orderly
Description: RStudio addins for orderly.
Authors: Robert Ashton [aut, cre], Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [cph]
Maintainer: Robert Ashton <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.3
Built: 2025-02-18 04:11:38 UTC

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Run an orderly report in separate session.


This will run an orderly report using RStudio jobs. See orderly_run for details. This will run the report async i.e. it won't block your RStudio terminal. This means that it returns no info about success of job run - it only tells us the job has started.


  name = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  envir = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  message = NULL,
  instance = NULL,
  use_draft = FALSE,
  remote = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  commit = FALSE



Name of the report to run (see orderly_list). A leading src/ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete. Alternatively, the default of NULL is useful if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The parent of the environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be made with the global environment as the parent.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


An optional character string containing a message explaining why the report was run


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Should draft reports be used for dependencies? This should be used only in development. Valid values are logical (TRUE, FALSE) or use the string newer to use draft reports where they are newer than archive reports. For consistency, always and never are equivalent to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.


Remote to use to resolve dependencies. Use this in order to run a report with the same dependencies as are available on a remote server, particularly when using id = "latest". Note that this is not the same as running orderly_pull_dependencies, then orderly_run with remote = NULL, as the pull/run approach will use the latest report in your archive but the remote = "remote" approach will use the latest approach in the remote archive (which might be less recent).


Character vector of tags to add to the report. Tags are immutable and cannot be removed once the report is run. Tags added here will be in addition to any tags listed in the tags: field in orderly.yml and must be present in orderly_config.yml.


If TRUE then report will be committed to archive after running


Invisible return, called for side effects

Addin for starting develop mode.


Allows users to see list of orderly reports and choose one to open in development mode.



Addin for viewing status of orderly develop mode.


Allows users to reload dependencies and to cleanup development mode.

